Today was the complete opposite of a cool and crisp morning. It was warm and humid. The humidity was oppresive. I stepped out of the building and could immediately feel it. So I decided to run on the treadmill in the gym. Stepped into the gym and felt like I had stepped into an oven. The air conditioning was not working and since there are no windows, it felt like a hot oven. Running outside in the humidity was a better option. Five minutes into the run and I was already drenched in sweat. It was really oppressive. So I did a short run today. Just 2.5 miles. I makes me laugh out loud when I say "
just" 2.5 miles. A few months ago, I would have boasted of the 2.5 miles.
Last week, I had this weird pain in my lower left leg. It was not shin splints, but one of my shin muscles (on the inner calve) was hurting pretty bad. Even while walking, I was aware of that muscles and there was a distinct pain.
P from Team AIDAsha suggested I use the foam roller along with regular ice packs. So far it has worked.
Foam roller | | | | | |
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Foam rollers are good for
self-myofascial release (I love throwing out these big words these days). It provides deep tissue massage to release tension in your muscles. Used correctly, it can help prevent injuries and improve performance over time. The foam roller is not very easy to use and you can actually feel the massage deeply. It also helps improve balance. In my case, the pain is not yet completely gone, but reduced considerably since I used the foam roller. I used it after the long run, and it felt very therapeutic. It is a good buy!
The weather is going to be much better during our Saturday run! So glad and thankful about that.
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