Today was our last long training run! Almost 19 miles again. But so much more satisfactory than the earlier 19 miler. I ran the entire way with just one walking break between mile 15 and 16. That too, Amol did not let the walking break extend for more than a minute. He again biked with me the entire way.
It was a cool, crisp morning to run. The weather stayed beautiful right till the end. I was worried in the morning about my run because of my non-existent weekday runs. Early mornings are too cold for me and labwork keeps me in the lab till late. I just cannot find the time to run and neither the energy. I am mentally and physically stressed at work. Learning a lot of new things, playing with real exciting data, but falling way behind on my science literature. The anxiety of the marathon and the excitement of getting data and trying to make sense of it, is all too overwhelming right now!
But for the last three Saturdays, I have been enjoying my long runs. Its like I have a new attitude about these runs. All that it needs to make them enjoyable is to just let go of everything and have fun while running. And that is exactly what I did today too. I was just having a good time out there. Now lets just hope that everything goes smoothly from now till the end of this month! I really really need this positive frame of mind.
We are now at the tail end of the training. Just three weeks to go for the D-day. I am so excited about it.
I promise that I will try and be more regular in my postings. I know that now you all are a part of this journey with me and you come by looking for new updates. I have been really lousy in posting for the past two weeks, but hopefully I will be better now! Stay tuned for more!